As alles just eng Fro vun Point de Vue

Mittwoch, 7. April 2010

Whatever happens.

Everything that has been written about all those things that have happened give us the impression of history repeating itself, of the future not being the unknown but being the predictible.
Looking at history in order to learn something from it is a waste of time in my eyes. If you were the only one to do this, you might succeed, as everyone else would be stuck in repeating patterns of behaviour. But since everyone is trying to incorporate the past in order to shape the future, everyone's representations and ways of behaviour are being updated continuously. The result is something which is impossible to grasp.
So i decided for myself to let go of history and future altogether, to forget the idea of humanity as a whole, to abandon the search for something which has to be true in the eyes of everyone.

Vive la subjectivité.
C'est tout ce qui existe.

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